Spring/Summer Catalog is now available!!
IF YOU CAN'T REGISTER ONLINE OR HAVE A SCHOLARSHIP: Those who are on scholarship or who can't register online MUST do the following:
1. If possible print out a registration form below and fill one out for each child. Where it says “SPORT” write down all sports/classes/activities they want to take. You also can write that on a separate piece of paper. Those who register by paper and are not on scholarship will pay a $5 processing fee. Save money be registering ONLINE! 2. If applicable, call Hesston Rec at 327-2989 so we can look up how much scholarship money you have remaining through June 30 (the end of our fiscal year). See scholarship guidelines in the catalog above. 3. After all the papers are filled out at home, bring your papers and payment (if applicable) to the HRCE office at 303 Park Road or drop them in the outside drop box at HRCE. If you need assistance or forms, call our office at 327-2989. |
Please contact HRCE if your child isn’t able to participate so we can try to offer assistance.
Hesston Recreation is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities based on the following policy: Those on free or reduced-price lunches through USD 460 are eligible for a 50 percent scholarship. Those on KanCare Insurance will receive a 100 percent scholarship. There is a $75-per-child limit per fiscal year. Our fiscal years run July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Proof of KanCare Insurance will be required. |
If you are missing an item, stop by or call our office at 620-327-2989 and describe the item to get it returned.